
Why Edrogan has a problem with Jews? Is it historical or struggle for power now

Why Edrogan has a problem with Jews? Is it historical or struggle for power now


President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s stance towards Jews and Israel is complex, rooted in both historical factors and contemporary political motivations. His approach can be understood through several key aspects:

Historical Influences

Erdogan’s views are partly shaped by Turkey’s historical relationship with Jews and Israel:

Ottoman Legacy

Turkey, as the successor to the Ottoman Empire, has a long history of providing refuge to Jews, particularly after their expulsion from Spain in the 15th century. This creates a complex historical backdrop for Turkish-Jewish relations.

Ideological Roots

Erdogan’s political roots are in Islamism, which has traditionally been critical of Israel and Zionism. His early career was marked by more overt antisemitic rhetoric, including directing a play called “Mason-Communist-Jew” in the 1970s.

Political Motivations

Erdogan’s approach to Jews and Israel is also driven by contemporary political considerations:

Domestic Appeal

Criticizing Israel and using antisemitic rhetoric appeals to certain segments of Turkish society, particularly Islamist and nationalist groups. This helps Erdogan maintain political support, especially during elections.

Regional Leadership

By positioning himself as a champion of the Palestinian cause, Erdogan aims to increase Turkey’s influence in the Muslim world and portray himself as a leader of the Islamic community.

Neo-Ottoman Ambitions

Erdogan’s stance on Israel, particularly regarding Jerusalem, aligns with his neo-Ottoman ideology, which seeks to revive Turkey’s influence in former Ottoman territories.

Rhetorical Strategy

Erdogan’s statements about Jews and Israel often follow a pattern:

Antisemitic Dog Whistles

While sometimes denying antisemitism, Erdogan frequently uses coded language and conspiracy theories that resonate with antisemitic sentiments.

Distinguishing Between Jews and Israel: Erdogan often claims to oppose Israeli policies rather than Jews themselves, but his rhetoric frequently blurs this distinction.

Opportunistic Shifts

Erdogan’s stance towards Israel has fluctuated based on political and economic interests, with periods of attempted reconciliation interspersed with harsh criticism.

International Relations

Erdogan’s approach to Jews and Israel affects Turkey’s international standing:

Strained Relations with the West

His rhetoric has led to condemnation from Western allies, including the United States, potentially impacting Turkey’s position in NATO.

Regional Dynamics

Erdogan’s stance on Israel is part of a broader strategy to position Turkey as a leader in the Sunni Muslim world, often in opposition to Israel and its allies.


Erdogan’s problem with Jews is not purely historical or solely about current power struggles. It’s a complex interplay of historical antisemitic tropes, Islamist ideology, domestic political calculations, and regional power ambitions. While he occasionally attempts to soften his image or improve relations with Israel for pragmatic reasons, his fundamental approach remains consistently hostile, serving both his ideological convictions and political interests.

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