
Is Edrogan following Saddam’s footsteps

Is Edrogan following Saddam’s footsteps


While there are some parallels between Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein, it would be an oversimplification to say Erdogan is directly following Saddam’s footsteps. However, recent comments by Israeli officials have drawn this comparison, highlighting concerns about Erdogan’s increasingly authoritarian rule and aggressive foreign policy stance.

Similarities and Differences

Consolidation of Power

Both Erdogan and Saddam have been accused of consolidating power through authoritarian means

Erdogan has transformed, Turkey’s political system, granting himself extensive executive powers.

Saddam used violent purges to eliminate potential threats within his party.

Both wanted ethnic cleansing of Kurds. Saddam was wanted for war crimes. Erdogan is on the same path attempting to eradicate Syrian Kurds

Foreign Policy and Rhetoric

Both leaders have engaged in aggressive rhetoric and military actions:

Erdogan has threatened military intervention in neighboring countries.

Saddam invaded Kuwait and engaged in long-term conflicts with Iran.

Religious and Nationalist Appeals

Both have used religious and nationalist sentiments to bolster support:

Erdogan promotes himself as a defender of Islam and Turkish interests.

Saddam, in his later years, promoted religious fanaticism and sectarian hatred.

Key Differences

Despite these parallels, there are significant differences:

International Standing

Turkey remains a NATO member and maintains diplomatic relations with many Western countries, unlike Saddam’s Iraq.

Democratic Processes

While flawed, Turkey still holds elections, whereas Saddam’s Iraq was a full dictatorship.

Economic Policies

Erdogan’s economic approach, while controversial, differs greatly from Saddam’s state-controlled economy.

Recent Controversy

Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz recently compared Erdogan to Saddam Hussein, warning of potential consequences:

“Erdogan is following in the footsteps of Saddam Hussein by threatening to attack Israel. He should remember what happened there and how it ended”.

This statement came in response to Erdogan’s threats of potential military action against Israel, highlighting the tense relations between the two countries.


While Erdogan’s rule has shown authoritarian tendencies and aggressive foreign policy, equating him directly with Saddam Hussein oversimplifies a complex political situation.

The comparison serves more as a rhetorical device used by critics than an accurate historical parallel.

Erdogan’s Turkey, despite its democratic backsliding, still operates within a different international and domestic context than Saddam’s Iraq.

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