How many homocide have been committed by Morrfons and Albanian in Belgium Till date? What is role of government
Belgium had a murder rate of 1.8 per 100,000 population in 2012, with a total of 182 murders that year. Belgium murder rate 1990- 2025 is as follows
Belgium murder/homicide rate for 2021 was 1.08, a 65.05% decline from 2002.
Belgium murder/homicide rate for 2002 was 3.08, a 12.62% increase from 2001.
Belgium murder/homicide rate for 2001 was 2.74, a 32.44% increase from 2000.
Belgium murder/homicide rate for 2000 was 2.07, a 44.65% increase from 1997.
We will be updating the crime data on 2024, as it is not updated yet.
Also more recent and specific data on homicides committed by particular ethnic groups is not hard to uodate.
Organized Crime in Belgium
According to the Global Organized Crime Index, Belgium’s overall criminality score increased from 4.48 to 4.74 out of 10 between 2021 and 2023.
The Federal Judicial Police (PJF/FGP) in Belgium dedicated 24.6% of its investigation capacity to fighting drug-related crime in 2023.
In 2023, the Federal Judicial Police conducted 4,087 new investigations and seized 213,670,598 euros related to criminal activities.
Drug Trafficking and Violence
The port of Antwerp has become a major hub for drug trafficking, particularly cocaine importation.
There have been incidents of extreme violence associated with drug trafficking, including shootings and attacks on civilians.
In January 2023, an eleven-year-old girl in Antwerp was killed in a shooting at her family’s home, which was attributed to a settling of scores between drug trafficking groups.
Moroccan and Albanian Criminal Groups
Both Moroccan and Albanian criminal groups are active in Belgium:
The Moroccan mafia, particularly active since the 1990s, has been involved in drug trafficking and violent crimes.
The Albanian mafia is considered one of the top three criminal organizations in Belgium, alongside Belgian-Dutch and Moroccan groups.
Government Response
The Belgian government has taken several measures to combat organized crime:
Enhanced International Cooperation
Belgium has strengthened collaboration with other European countries and international law enforcement agencies.
Improved Law Enforcement
The government has increased deployment of police, investigators, and customs resources.
Port Security Measures
Stricter controls have been implemented, especially in Antwerp, a major hub for drug trafficking.
Legal and Judicial Actions
Laws have been updated to allow for the use of confiscated assets to support law enforcement efforts.
Technological Advancements
Authorities are leveraging decrypted communications from platforms like SKY ECC to gather intelligence on criminal networks.
Focus on Financial Aspects
There is an emphasis on tracking and seizing financial assets of criminal organizations.
Preventive Strategies
The country has implemented social and public health policies aimed at addressing root causes of crime.
While these efforts are ongoing, the evolving nature of criminal networks continues to pose significant challenges for Belgian law enforcement agencies.