
How does the Albanian mafia in Belgium compare to its operations in other European countries

How does the Albanian mafia in Belgium compare to its operations in other European countries


The Albanian mafia’s operations in Belgium share similarities with their activities in other European countries, but also have some distinctive features.

Belgium has strong hold on cacaine and arm smuggling.

Belgian authorities are making strides in their relentless battle against cocaine smuggling

In 2024, 243 cocaine smugglers were convicted, and almost €71 million confiscated

Antwerp's Federal Judicial Police has launched 91 new investigations into cocaine smuggling

The Maritime Police made 128 drug-related arrests, including arrests of 16 minors

Similarities with Other European Countries

Drug trafficking

As in other European nations, the Albanian mafia in Belgium is heavily involved in drug trafficking, particularly cocaine.


The Albanian mafia is known for its extreme violence in Belgium, which is consistent with their operations elsewhere in Europe.


Like in other countries, Albanian criminal groups in Belgium have diversified their activities to include human trafficking and property fraud.

Port control

Similar to their operations in the Netherlands, Albanian groups have established significant control over cocaine importation through Belgian ports, especially Antwerp.


The Albanian mafia in Belgium, as in other European countries, collaborates with other criminal organizations and has connections with South American cartels.

Distinctive Features in Belgium

Monopoly in certain areas

The Albanian mafia in Brussels has reportedly monopolized activities such as narcotics and arms deals.

Historical presence

Albanian organized crime has had a presence in Belgium since at least 1989, when a former Belgian Prime Minister was kidnapped in a plot organized by an Albanian mafia member.

Recent surge

Belgium has experienced a recent surge in Albanian mafia activities, particularly in Brussels, leading to increased armed clashes and violence.

Law enforcement challenges

Belgian authorities face specific challenges in combating Albanian organized crime, including staff shortages and resource limitations.

Cooperation with local authorities

Belgium has recently signed an agreement with Albania to tackle organized crime, indicating a focused effort on addressing the Albanian mafia threat.

Recent Developments

Operation GORGON

In July 2024, a major international operation involving Belgian authorities led to the arrest of 15 suspected members of an Albanian organized crime group.

SKY ECC case

The decryption of the SKY ECC communication platform in 2021 has provided Belgian authorities with significant insights into Albanian criminal networks operating in the country.

Increased violence

Recent reports indicate a rise in shootings and armed clashes in Brussels, which officials attribute to drug gangs, including Albanian groups


The Albanian mafia’s operations in Belgium, while sharing core characteristics with their activities in other European countries, have evolved to exploit specific opportunities and challenges within the Belgian context. The recent surge in violence and the focused efforts of Belgian authorities to combat these groups highlight the significant impact of Albanian organized crime in the country.

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