How does radicalization in Belgian prisons compare to other European countries
brugge prison- Belgium
Belgium faces challenges with radicalization in prisons, the situation is not unique and shares similarities with other European countries. However, there are some aspects that distinguish the Belgian approach:
Similarities with Other European Countries
Breeding ground for extremism
Like other European nations, Belgian prisons have been identified as potential breeding grounds for radicalization, particularly among vulnerable inmates.
Multi-agency approach
Belgium, similar to other EU members, emphasizes the importance of multi-agency cooperation in managing violent extremist offenders (VEOs) and those at risk of radicalization.
Staff training
Belgian authorities, like their European counterparts, recognize the need for specialized training of prison staff to recognize signs of radicalization.
Distinctive Features of Belgian Approach
Two-step strategy
Belgium has adopted a unique two-step strategy for incarcerating radicalized detainees.
Initially, these individuals are placed in normal sections when possible, with transfer to specialized sections only if deemed necessary.
Specialized sections
Belgium has established specialized sections in prisons like Bruges and Ittre for high-risk radicalized inmates, an approach not universally adopted across Europe.
Focus on information gathering
Belgium has created a dedicated division within its State Security Service specifically targeted at radicalization in prisons, operational since 2015.
Online training program
Belgium has implemented an innovative online training course for prison staff on radicalization awareness, funded by the European Internal Security Fund and available in both French and Dutch.
Religious representation
Belgian prisons strive for an open and constructive relationship with representatives of recognized religions, particularly focusing on addressing radical interpretations of Islam.
Challenges and Ongoing Efforts
Belgium, like many European countries, faces issues with prison overcrowding, which can contribute to conditions favorable for radicalization.
Balancing security and rehabilitation
Belgian authorities are working to strike a balance between security measures and rehabilitation efforts, a common challenge across Europe.
Continuous support
Belgium emphasizes the need for continuous support and information flow between organizations, including prison and probation services, police, and community organizations.
While Belgium shares many challenges and approaches with other European countries in addressing prison radicalization, its specific two-step incarceration strategy, specialized prison sections, and innovative online training program for staff represent distinctive elements of its approach.
As of 2025, these efforts continue to evolve as Belgium, along with other European nations, works to refine its strategies in countering radicalization within its prison system.