
Which UAE hotels are implementing AI for predictive analytics

Which UAE hotels are implementing AI for predictive analytics


Several UAE hotels are implementing AI for predictive analytics to enhance their operations and guest experiences:

Atlantis Hotels

Atlantis Hotels are leveraging AI technology to:

Capture guest feedback

Suggest personalized on-site activities based on guest preferences

Implement a blockchain system for seamless payments and loyalty program support

Shangri-La Hotel, Abu Dhabi

The Shangri-La Hotel has implemented an advanced Guest Automation System that:

Automatically adjusts room temperature when occupancy status changes

Provides operational data on staff response times and energy savings

Jumeirah Group

Jumeirah Group has implemented intelligent automation, resulting in:

UAE 16 million dirhams in direct cost savings

Optimization of about 900 hours of human effort

Creation of a data lake solution called “customer genome” with over 150 attributes

Address Hotels & Resorts

Address Hotels & Resorts has introduced NUHA, an AI-powered virtual concierge that:

Offers personalized, intuitive conversations to enhance guest experiences

Uses predictive analytics to anticipate guest needs and preferences

Emaar Hospitality Group

Emaar Hospitality Group is utilizing AI in their kitchens by:

Implementing Winnow Vision, an AI-based tool for tracking food waste

Using computer vision to help chefs pinpoint waste, cut costs, and save time


These hotels are using AI-powered predictive analytics to optimize pricing, improve guest experiences, streamline operations, and enhance decision-making processes in the competitive UAE hospitality market.

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