Which UAE hotels are implementing AI for predictive analytics
Several UAE hotels are implementing AI for predictive analytics to enhance their operations and guest experiences:
Atlantis Hotels
Atlantis Hotels are leveraging AI technology to:
Capture guest feedback
Suggest personalized on-site activities based on guest preferences
Implement a blockchain system for seamless payments and loyalty program support
Shangri-La Hotel, Abu Dhabi
The Shangri-La Hotel has implemented an advanced Guest Automation System that:
Automatically adjusts room temperature when occupancy status changes
Provides operational data on staff response times and energy savings
Jumeirah Group
Jumeirah Group has implemented intelligent automation, resulting in:
UAE 16 million dirhams in direct cost savings
Optimization of about 900 hours of human effort
Creation of a data lake solution called “customer genome” with over 150 attributes
Address Hotels & Resorts
Address Hotels & Resorts has introduced NUHA, an AI-powered virtual concierge that:
Offers personalized, intuitive conversations to enhance guest experiences
Uses predictive analytics to anticipate guest needs and preferences
Emaar Hospitality Group
Emaar Hospitality Group is utilizing AI in their kitchens by:
Implementing Winnow Vision, an AI-based tool for tracking food waste
Using computer vision to help chefs pinpoint waste, cut costs, and save time
These hotels are using AI-powered predictive analytics to optimize pricing, improve guest experiences, streamline operations, and enhance decision-making processes in the competitive UAE hospitality market.