Feb 18 Feb 18 How might Macron's emergency meeting impact NATO's role in Europe Antonio v American politics, German politics , France politics , European union , Italian economy
Dec 7 Dec 7 How will Italy's budget plan impact its public debt levels Antonio v Italy budget , Italian budget, budget deficit
Dec 7 Dec 7 What are the main criticisms of Italy's seven-year budget plan Antonio v European union , european politics, Global politics, Politics in Europe
Dec 7 Dec 7 When did Italy’s economic issues begin? Antonio v Italian economy , European union , european politics, Italy
Nov 10 Nov 10 Will EU nations follow steps taken by Italy and Spain to put embargo on Israel Antonio v eu politics, israel embargo
Nov 10 Nov 10 Is Italy’s embargo on Israel Justified? Prince Amir Al Saud EU politics, israel Gaza war , Italian politics