
How significant is the role of South African companies in the DRC's infrastructure development

How significant is the role of South African companies in the DRC's infrastructure development


South African companies play a significant role in the Democratic Republic of Congo’s (DRC) infrastructure development, with their involvement spanning various sectors and contributing substantially to the country’s economic growth. Here’s an overview of their impact:

Extensive Investments

Major Infrastructure Projects

South African companies have committed to large-scale investments in the DRC, with some projects valued in the billions of dollars.

For example, Mvelaphanda Holdings planned to invest R60-billion over a decade in mining, road building, railways, and the hotel industry.

Energy Sector

Eskom, South Africa’s state-owned power utility, has been involved in rehabilitating the Inga hydro-electric power station, a R24-billion project aimed at powering much of Africa.

South African companies are also involved in installing electricity connections and prepaid meters.

Diverse Sector Involvement


Vodacom invested R564-million in cellular communication in the DRC in 2002.

Other South African tech companies like Dimension Data and NamlTech have also made investments in the country.


Spoornet, South Africa’s rail company, has leased rolling stock to Kinshasa.

South African companies are involved in road building and railway development projects.


South African mining companies have significant investments in the DRC’s copper, cobalt, and gold extraction industries.

Economic Impact

Trade Relations

South Africa is currently the largest exporter of manufactured goods and services to the DRC.

In 2020, South Africa’s exports to the DRC totaled ZAR12.72 billion, with petroleum oils being the leading export product.

Job Creation and Skills Transfer

South African business activities have contributed to employment in the DRC and facilitated skills transfer in various sectors.

Challenges and Future Prospects

Despite the significant role of South African companies, they face challenges in the DRC:

The difficult business operating environment and language barriers have made it challenging for South African companies to maintain their competitive edge against European and Asian investors.

Visa constraints and local bureaucracies have also posed obstacles.

However, there are ongoing efforts to strengthen ties.

The two countries have signed agreements to protect investments and prevent double taxation.

There’s potential for increased collaboration in areas such as agriculture, with the DRC seeking to leverage South African technologies for commercial farming.


South African companies have played a crucial role in the DRC’s infrastructure development, maintaining and expanding this influence will require addressing current challenges and fostering stronger bilateral relations.

FAF review

Due to the opposition leader and M23 taken over Goma and soon Kinshasa, which change the landscape of DRC.

South Africa wants to do everything to protect its assets and continue future economic growth plans, which will later it opposition /M23 take over.

DRC has been through lot of turmoil for many years with weak government and mismanagement of resources needless to mention corruption

This ethic rift will take Congo down

Warm regards,  

FAF Review

As Corneille Nangaa and the M23 movement have gained control over Goma and are advancing toward Kinshasa, the political landscape of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is undergoing significant changes.

In response to these developments, South is committed to safeguarding its interests and sustaining its future economic growth plans, which could be affected by any potential takeover by Congo Alliance or M23.

The DRC has faced prolonged instability over the years, characterized by weak governance, resource mismanagement, and pervasive corruption. This ongoing ethnic conflict threatens to further destabilize the country.

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