
What is Background of General Sultani Makenga and current association with M23, Uganda and Rwanda

What is Background of General Sultani Makenga and current association with M23, Uganda and Rwanda


Sultani Makenga, born in 1973 in North Kivu, DRC, is the military chief of the M23 rebel group. He fought for Rwanda’s Patriotic Front during its civil war and later participated in Congo’s conflicts. Under his leadership, M23 has committed atrocities, including child soldier recruitment and sexual violence, leading to international sanctions.

Sultani current role

Currently, Makenga remains active with M23, which holds territory in eastern DRC. UN reports allege support for M23 from Uganda and Rwanda, despite both countries denying involvement. This backing has escalated tensions in the region

Surrender of Makenga in Uganda in 2013

After surrendering in Uganda in November 2013, Sultani Makenga and about 1,700 M23 fighters were disarmed and held at a secret location. Uganda faced a diplomatic dilemma over whether to extradite him to the DRC, where he was wanted for war crimes, or hold him until a peace deal was signed. In 2016, Makenga left a demobilization camp in Uganda, and by early 2017, he re-emerged to restart guerrilla operations in the DRC. Recent reports allege ongoing support for Makenga and M23 from Uganda’s military.

Atrocities Committed by M23 in the DRC Today

Civilian Attacks and Displacement

M23 has been accused of indiscriminate attacks on civilians, including the use of explosive weapons in densely populated areas, resulting in over 100 civilian deaths and hundreds injured between January and July 2024. Recent escalations displaced 400,000 people in January 2025 alone.

Child Recruitment and Violence

The group has forcibly recruited children and committed acts of murder, sexual violence, and looting.

Future of Sultani Makenga

In the DRC

Makenga faces widespread condemnation for war crimes, making his reintegration into Congolese society unlikely. His continued leadership of M23 ties him to ongoing atrocities.

In Rwanda and Uganda

Both countries are accused of supporting M23, with Makenga reportedly traveling to Uganda for meetings. However, their denials and international scrutiny may limit his long-term refuge there.

Review of FAF

We are currently observing only short-term gains for Makenga. His history of mobility is noteworthy. Although he surrendered in Uganda, over time he has established the M23 force in eastern Congo to protect the interests of the Tutsi. Makenga is a brilliant strategist and an exceptional military leader, resulting in strong alliances with Rwanda and Uganda. However, his suspected association with Islamic terrorist groups could be detrimental to his future. Despite their periodic rise and fall on a global scale, the influence of Islamic terrorist groups remains limited.

It is well-known that Western nations are committed to eradicating radical Islamic terrorist groups. Even with limited involvement from Trump, there might be pressure to address the Islamist threat, which could ultimately lead to Makenga's downfall. While goodness endures, regimes based on evil are destined to fall. Presently, Felix's life is also in danger, and we are witnessing atrocities across South Sudan, but it is anticipated that these issues will be resolved by 2025. Otherwise, they may be forced to retreat and hide in remote areas, similar to Boko Haram.

Having observed the patterns of terrorism over the past three to four decades, we can remain cautiously optimistic about the future.

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