Finnish Education System under Innovation-Evaluation Pros and Cons
Finland is a snow-covered small country. People have to fight with frequent avalanches, storm and chilly winter. There is no way to go outside without covering the body in woolen pullovers and tight jackets to heat up the body. However, in this unavoidable cool ambience, the innovation in the education system at elementary level must take place in this year. What is the change in education system in Finland? Many experts confirm this overall switch-over from conventional book reading to the close observation, surveys and research online to upgrade knowledge bank. Finland will have new education system which will inspire young generation to cope with the digital world and sophisticated multimedia technology.
Innovation in Education Framework in Finland – A Change in Learning Process
Marjo Kyllonen, the head of the department of education in Helsinki, is undoubtedly happy because of this change to innovate the process of teaching as well as learning. Children in ultra modern era must not trail behind. Comparing to children studying in schools in America and Europe, in Finland, students have a lack of knowledge about the technology. Besides, the conventional teaching method is stereotyped with the least room for vast research. Instead of concentrating on individual subjects like Physics, Math and History, students have to enter into a book of events, and facts to enhance the self-pace studies. They will be their own masters to correct themselves through evaluation, self-analysis, and meticulous research. Both teachers and students must be learners to know new things. For example, if it is First World War, a student doesn’t need to go through history book or deal with world map to locate many war ridden places. Instead, they will hit different sites to recycle information. They will do math, and history home tasks based on collected facts online. They don’t need to prepare regular assignments. They will have a digital web based platform to navigate and learn. However, they have to be accustomed to the virtual ambience. They need special training at basic levels to prepare themselves beautifully. This innovation must create new vistas for them to go for home-based education system.
Conventional Structure of Education in Finland –Pros
Like schools in Britain, the education system in Finland ensures the free meal and free education even at university level. However, right now, the government of Finland is supposed to make a plan to renew the traditional teaching environment. The conventional pattern of education doesn’t give maximum benefits to a young student to develop his inner quality. He has to grow fast with better understanding with the world in which he lives. He should be familiar with the innovative technology. Therefore, there must be more compatible and upgraded education system for all students.
According to the education consultant in Finland, it is a new process to train a group of students in much amicable ambience. In fact, there will be a platform for group discussion; views exchange forum and self-evaluation system to measure the quality of one’s talent. In this new modified schooling system, a group of senior students will be allowed to choose a particular topic or assignment to start doing research. They will be given freedom to do the workouts. The teamwork must mobilize their enthusiasm to complete tasks faster.
At the same time, they will join the debates and group discussions to collect information for extensive evaluation. It will develop their personality and communication skill. Teachers will monitor the learning session behind. Initially, this new education will be applied to only senior students in high schools. If the experiment is successful, it will be expanded to lower levels gradually.
Cons of Change in Education System
Many analyzers, critics and think tanks are opposing the significance of different system to train students. It is not a joke to play with future of children. First of all, students have to be placed in new learning environment. They are not qualified and competent to do their studies through internet. Secondly, right now, new education system is restricted to the high school. Then, there will be a complete delink or disconnection from the secondary and elementary levels.
Students who will go to colleges must face problems due to the absence of efficient teachers, modified syllabus and complete coursework with research lab. Higher authority has not instructed colleges and universities to change the structure of education in a new format. So, education department should re-evaluate pros and cons of modified education system. Besides, it is also not predictable whether other nations will accept certificates and citations approved by education board after this innovation. Throughout the year, there is only one national level exam for students to appear. After this examination being over, the results are declared. At school levels, teachers don’t bother to assess quality of students through tests and exams. Nor are there problems for students to submit assignments and annual course works. In addition, in local schools and colleges, the percentage of foreign immigrants is higher. They don’t speak in English. Many Chinese students are seen completing their schooling in Finland. This language barrier must be a drawback for senior teachers to guide them in optimized education system.
Finnish schools are run by Government, which finances various teaching and learning programs. Even religious training institutes are funded by state government. So, obviously, before launching new education system, experts should cross check various pros and cons of upgrading students in a different modernized environment. In this connection, guardians of students have responsibility to comment whether their children will be benefited in the long run.