Preview of Battle in Mosul- Evaluate Present Situation
Attack on Mosul
Fresh graves in Mosul
Mosul, one of the important regions in Iraq is now barricaded and cordoned off by ISIS militants. Mosul lies in the northern part of Iraq. It is affluent in crude oil. ISIS militants have captured this city to run administration. With the assistance of American force, Kurdish Peshmerga and national army of Iraq supported by Sunni and Shia militia groups are trying to recover the lost land in Mosul. The fight is going on without any indication to settle the issue of insurgency. Over the land reclamation, ISIS and Iraq are locked in month long battle and heavy fighting.
Mosul –Resourceful in Oil – ISIS Controls Mosul – Deadlock Continues
Mosul is the ISIS operating and communication hub. This resourceful city of Iraq has many large and medium size oil rigs/reservoirs and upstream companies. Therefore, Iraq is suffering financially due to the city hijacking by militant for long time. Kurdish and Iraqi allied force is advancing to the north side to encroach into Mosul forcefully. However, till now, there is nothing important for Kurds to cheer up. ISIS terrorists have stronghold in Mosul. They run local municipalities. These extremists use land mines, grenades, rocket launchers, and missiles to retaliate. ISIS spies are active in West and other cities in ME. Their operating headquarters in Aleppo and Mosul monitor the clandestine movements of Iraqi soldiers. American force joined Kurds to remove ISIS terrorists to recover Mosul. However, due to poor weather, geographical barriers and strong resistance from ISIS terrorists are now major hindrances to Iraqi allied troops to capture major parts of Mosul. Reports confirm that Iraqi commandos are seen advancing towards the South-East of Mosul. Troops occupied few villages and towns in Southern part of the city of Mosul. Shia controlled military group proceeded smoothly towards Tal Afar, which is the base camp of ISIS agents. However, CIA and Iraqi intelligence squads have not given strong evidence how much portion of land in Tal Afar has been restored by this militancy organization. ISIS spies decorate the highways and roads with land mines. They have surveillance accessories to track the activities of enemies. They have surface-to-surface mini hand launchers and automatic guns to fire rapidly. They use RDX to wipe out tanks and military convoys. The main highway running through Hamam Al-Alil to reach Mosul is risky for troops to deploy arms. Militants block this highway to cut the supply line. Therefore, many Iraqi soldiers have to go on fast. They don’t get food and medications. UN has had blamed ISIS extremists for carnage and attacks on civilians in Mosul. Around one and half a million civilians live in Mosul. Extremists kill these innocent people. They burn houses, and buildings. If it continues, Mosul will be a haunted place with dead bodies ridden with bullets and blood. Nineveh municipality building has been destructed by bombs. The rooftop of this important building under the control of ISIS is smashed during aerial attacks of US force.
Kurds Fighting for Recognition-Struggling for Sovereignty
Kurds and Iraqi troops have to increase their power. US force and NATO have joined this campaign to control ISIS. However, Mosul is not easy to access as ISIS militants have enriched the city with land mines and explosives. They force civilians to join jihadist camps to resist Kurds who are forceful to have the central power in the city. If Kurds win, Iraqi government will do proper land marking to enable Kurds to get sovereignty. They are now vagabonds and nomads. These illiterate highlanders need proper identities to live as normal beings. Kurdistan is their own land which must be out of the reach of Iraqi and Syrian rulers. It will be an independent place for Kurds. So, Mosul must be the destination for Kurds to fulfill dream in the long run.
Destruction and Carnage Make Mosul Necropolis
More than 70000 civilians in Mosul are displaced internally; their children and wives are feeble. None is confident of the faster recovery of normalcy in Mosul unless the defeat of ISIS to Iraqi allied force. Meanwhile, a strong local insurgency group has emerged to wipe out running vehicles, kill frequenters and rape women. Daesh militants are not hesitating to murder people mercilessly. Daesh extremists hurl mortar shells to demolish residential houses and fire bullets on the mob. Iraqi troops have to change the routes because of hidden land mines of Daesh extremists.
Turkey Has Multi-purposes to Deploy Army to Mosul
The sojourn of Turkey army in Bashiqa close to Mosul border has deteriorated the relation with Iraq. Turkey president, Erdogan, has not withdrawn his support to Iraqi people in the case of erasing the brand name of ISIS. Turkey has the tradition to play the role of savior in the region. Since Ottoman Empire, Turkey has been extending support to those who have to face crisis. Right now, Mosul is at a boiling point because of the presence of ISIS terrorists. These anti-national activists have nothing productive. Turkey president deployed troops to fight with ISIS commandos who have blocked Mosul cutting off all possibilities for negotiation. On the other hand, Iraqi prime minister, Abadi has protested instantly. He is not interested in permitting Turkey force to enter into Iraq. Erdogan is bold to wipe out ISIS militants who are killing people randomly. Iraqi prime minister warns that Turkey should not interfere forcefully as it is the internal affair of Iraq. However, Turkey president is hopeful about the final outcome. In an official brief, he restates that the growing tension in Mosul gives birth to a number of issues which must not be hygienic for people living in the entire ME. First of all, Turkey has had a number of purposes of sending army to Mosul. For instance, the hideouts of PKK militants are located in Northern Iraq. This militia group is active in Turkey. Its roots extend to Mosul. Daesh is another militancy outfit which beheads people without any cause. Turkey needs to give protection to Sunni Turks in Mosul. Daesh and PKK elements germinate insurgency. In Sinjar province, PKK militants are found giving a strong resistance to army. Secondly, Turkey, a NATO ally, seems to participate in proxy war to showcase its military strength. Russian army is present in Black Sea where Turkey has its own maritime zone for trading. Putin denies right of Turkey in Black Sea. So, maybe, it is a short reply from Ankara to warn Moscow. Erdogan has called all nations in ME and West to build up a strong anti-ISIS organization. American defense secretary Ashton Carter stated that Turkey must follow a principle to deploy war tanks and army to Iraq. Abadi will not permit Erdogan to stand close to Iraqi border.
Kurds Need Cultural Free with Separate Identity
Kurds lament in despair. They lost their homeland. No one gave them a separate land to live smartly without slavery. When many young Kurds have gone to Mosul for fighting with ISIS, few more people living in Sulaimania are struggling for protecting their tradition, culture and heritage. Ottoman Empire snatched the land from Kurds and they are now in deep quagmire without any solution. Kurds want power to legalize their mother tongue as official language in Sulaimania where people speak in Persian dialect. The negligence and humiliation are deep rooted leaving Kurds in uncertainty. Local Kurds in Sulaimania requested private financers and businessmen to invest money for safeguarding antiques. Cultural programs must be held to restore the original ethos and sentiment of Kurds. However, Iraqi government and local administrators are not careful to help Kurds to establish their rights. Therefore, when they cooperate with Iraqi allied force to delete brand name of ISIS in Mosul, they will also place their demand for full fledged freedom.
After taking possession of Mosul overpowering ISIS extremists, lot of plans will be implemented to decorate the city. However, West must concentrate on the developmental projects instead of taking advantage to destroy the peace in the border of Iraq. Kurds have dream of getting autonomous status with liberty to run the independent government in Mosul. Shia backed militias will negotiate with Kurds to expand and promote their religion. Iraq thinks of reconciliation and reunion. Iraqis have low confidence after the death of Saddam Husain. Mosul was forcefully taken by ISIS terrorists. So, it was a black day to Iraq. The restoration of Mosul must be a good thing for Baghdad. On the other hand, people in Mosul are poor and homeless. They need nutrients, drinks, and medications. So there are more residential houses, hospitals, rehab centers, clinics and roads will be reconstructed. Vision of Mosul will be to bring peace and prosperity to people eventually.