Meticulous Analysis to Evaluate First 100 Days of Donald’s Presidency in America
100 days
Trump has released his compact worksheet what he will do within 100 days while holding office in Washington. He is a winner in the race overpowering Hillary Clinton In the long run. He must have handful of innovative plans to upgrade American society in different ways. First 100 days will be jam packed for Unifier to complete urgent tasks. There are numerous futuristic plans which are in the pipeline. Unifier is a controversial American leader and his victory has been held for criticism. However , heremains peerless , andunbeaten withsuperb performanceto have the prestigiousportfolio as an AmericanPresident.
Make America Great
DonaldTrump, being anewpresident ofAmerica , willhave deepandstrong priority to build up thenationboldly. He will start a nation clean-up campaign removing free radicals of corruption, malpractice, dishonesty, and violence. He is a fair man with transparent vision to lead the country smoothly. His powerful administration will be a scanner torefilterthe societydynamically. There will be nothing obnoxious and destructive to let urchins hold supremacy in the country. So, it is his top priority to make the country great, fair and peaceful.
Ban on Lobbyists
Donald Trump restricts the limits of staying in White House to prevent nepotism and lobbying. MwembersofParliament will not beallowed to indulge lobbyingandsycophancy. For upcoming five years, lobbying with foreign administrators will be prevented or prohibited.
No Personal Lobbying or Influence to Enhance Sycophancy
Trump believes that employees of the government must be ministers of spreading authentic messages to the world. They should not distort the information which seems to be vehicles to people to be familiar with what is going on in the country. They should not encourage boot-lickers and lobbyists. They must not use official servers to transfer classified components to others secretly. Trump will sack a corrupted member who has little faith in honesty and social/legal/political obligation.
New Tax Reform
Trump ensures more nationalization and less globalization. Regional industries must be given financial support to stand firm. Taxes on foreign products will be increased.
Obamacare-Expensive – Unifier Resets Healthcare Plan
Instead of spending money to run Obamacare package, Trump has given more focus on inexpensive childcare and medical care for oldies. Parents will get affordable childcare facilities to enhance the smooth growth of children. Orphanages and childcare society will be nourished to take care of children. At the same time, adults and physically challenged persons will have options to open free savings accounts for healthcare. Especially low income groups will get financial aids to manage regular healthcare expenses.
Restrictions Imposed on Borders to Check Infiltration of Mexicans
Donald Trump has not forgotten his resolution to carry forward after his presidency. He is bolder and stronger to keep his words. He will not allow any Mexican urchin with bad records of drug trafficking, smuggling, murdering, and gun running to make overstays in America. The wall will be constructed on the outskirts of the border to restrict the entry of Mexican immigrants. They must refilter themselves before getting legal access to the US. A 5-years long imprisonment will be given to any accused Mexican immigrant who dares to enter into the country. He will also change the visa issuance rules to cross check the identities of immigrants. Identity theft should not be neglected to let the crime spin fast to contaminate American people.
New Scanner to Check Crime
The crime cleansing program must act as a shield to protect Americans from nemesis. People staying abroad or residing inside the country should be liable to justice. Their characters must not be dubious with fake identities to showcase. Therefore, Donald will introduce a powerful scanner to track crime to tune up the society transparently.
Restructure Oil Shell Companies – Renewable Energy to Be Encouraged
Instead of investing dollars to make climate change agenda fruitful, energy restoring process will be carried out. More energy renewable sectors will be revived. Shell companies will be supported to produce crude oil to outperform the OPEC in Middle East.
Affordable Education For Children
Children must be encouraged to go to schools. Parents must have easy education loans and financial boosters to educate their children. College goers will be brought under affordable/less expensive e-learning program. More modernized business management schools will be opened. Donald University will get new recognition. Qualified business management students will be selected to have smart jobs in companies.
More Tax Relief for Middle Class Family
More tax reliefs are given to Middle Class family members. Parents with 1-2 children to groom will have 35 percent tax reduction, Trillion dollars recycled in the overseas trading will be swung back to boost up domestic industry.
No Funding for Sanctuary Cities
Sanctuary cities in America have no legal compulsion to cross check documents of immigrants. Local administration ofa Sanctuary city is not permitted to probefor checking the identities of any immigrant who enters into the city. It is a de jure custom or law and Sanctuary cities are loaded with criminals and hoodlums. Fund will not be transferred to Sanctuary cities unless the new immigration lawis opted for through judiciary system.
Donald Trump will reformulate tax reforms law. He will give tax free option to American clients who will have better options to trade in the country without hiring employees from offshore cities. Overseas law will be redecorated. Well, Donald Trump will be visible with his dynamic resolution to build up America on strong platform. His diplomatic approach to handle crime and global insurgency must be tracked in future. He is a man of great importance. Experts must scrutinize first 100 days of his arrival in the administration to evaluate this American big boss.