Is GCC at Stake?
Discuss the Role of GCC – Evaluate Proposal for Gulf Union – Find Solution
Gulf Co-operation Council or GCC was formed with strong agendas to share thoughts, exchange technology and improve the inter-state relationship. It is a union of Arab states lying in the Persian Gulf. Iraq and Iran are not included in the list of GCC. Saudi Arab, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait and UAE are GCC members to operate GCC. Saudi Arab has thought of transferring GCC to Gulf Union for integrity to resist pressure coming from Iran.
History of GCC
GCC headquarters were open in 1981 in Abu Dhabi. GCC members reset their objectives and vision. GCC states were agreed to introduce new regulations to bring stability religion. Theywould be unanimousto follow thesemodifiedregulations tohonor theirown religions /religious sectswithoutindulgingimpatience andtension. Besides, GCC nations will be united to expand business, upgrade technology and reconstruct economic infrastructures. Major focus will be given on science, technology, agriculture, education, peace treaty, and development projects. There will be a single currency which will be applicable to only GCC nations like EU. GCC union has also felt responsible to accelerate the muscular strength by rebuilding the defense. The vast military will protect all GCC nations from foreign invasion, terrorism and internal melee. Peninsula Shield Force is divided into two military brigades with the headquarters in Saudi Arab. This joint force will be deployed to control racism, terrorism, foreign aggression.
Role of GCC
GCC is a unified structure which contains the rich Arab states of Gulf Peninsula. These countries are planning to open a single market with semi-free trading option for GCC members to expand business. This internal single market will be financed by top GCC states to compete with advanced countries in Europe. Citizens in GCC will be given equal status to work in government offices, insurance, real estate, finance and health. Retirees residing in GCC nations will be brought under same financial coverage. There will be no inequality in the matter of recruiting employees to work in offices located in any GCC state. So citizens within GCC territory will have no different status.
Single Currency Proposed
At GCC conventions, it was proposed that there would be a single medium of currency to regulate the market. This single or common currency will work like Euros. The appreciation value of single currency will be same in all GCC nations. However, UAE decided to withdraw its name after the declaration of the establishment of central bank in Riyadh. Khaleeji was the proposed currency name.
GCC States Prioritize Development
GCC states have prioritized the structural development, regional transport, electricity, water supply and railway network. $15.5 billion has been reserved for completing the extensive regional railway track improvement project. It will be a vast network to connect six GCC nations via railways. This expensive project is scheduled to be completed by 2018.
Supreme Council to Form
In political arena, GCC members will regulate Supreme Council. They will take decision without external or foreign influence. Every GCC member will have to cast one vote each to place the bill or take final decision for settlement.
Tension between Qatar and Three GCC Members
Right now, tension is deepening in Gulf Union because of the indifference of Qatar to prioritize the resolutions and strategies of Saudi Arab, UAE and Bahrain. Three members of GCC council have warned Qatar that the aviation service will be blocked to create pressure on the government of Qatar. GCC will not interfere to solve the problems or crisis faced by Qatar for its stupidity. This country must be obedient with responsibility to follow the objectives and mission of GCC community. Saudi Arab alleged that Qatar has closed research centers in Doha. In addition, Al Jazeera media network was also blocked. It is a point of humiliation and GCC members will not be silent like a duffer.
Future of GCC
The dissatisfaction and resentment seem to deteriorate the mutual relationship when Saudi Arab proposed for creation of new Gulf Union changing the name of GCC for more integration to control Persian Gulf region.
Yusuf bin Alawi (Oman’s foreign affairs minister) has turned down the proposal of Saudi Arab to rename the GCC. It will hamper the sovereignty of Oman. However, Saudi Arab has tried to make all GCC members understand the effectiveness of formation of Gulf Union to minimize the cross border tension.
Riyadh also expressed its anxiety over the decision taken by Oman to complete rounds of clandestine conferences with Iran and America. The future of GCC depends on the upcoming strategies to build up the cool environment to enhance friendship. However, Saudi Arab is getting obstruction from a number of GCC members to give a solid shape to GCC security pact. This military defense will be used to deactivate various unwanted elements and control uprisings.
Saudi Arab is tracking Iran
Gradually this country is spreading its political power. This country boosts up Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon. It assists ISIS extremists and rebels to destruct Saudi Arab. Even inSpringArabconference , SaudiArab requested otherGCC states not toconsiderIran as Baghdad is thehub for terrorists andhappy triggers. Shia in Saudi Arab has exposed its vulgarity by destructing national properties. To stop such massacre in Riyadh, Saudi Arab wants to form GCC security pact. On the contrary, Kuwait has not had supported Riyadh to create GCC security pact. The sovereignty of the country can be endangered.
Hezbollah’s Reaction Regarding GCC Convention
The encounter between Hezbollah extremists and Riyadh must be tougher. Saudi Arab plots to wipe out this militancy outfit as it is pampered by Iran. Riyadh will not change its decision when it has already declared Hezbollah as a terrorist to jeopardize GCC states. However, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah in Lebanon, appeared on video screen to deliver his speech to commemorate the sudden death of Ali Fayyad, the commander of Hezbollah. The leader has not broken in despair. He urged that Saudi Arab lost its patience and it started venting spleen on Hezbollah rebels. Other Arab states are not giving top priority to words of Riyadh in the case of branding Hezbollah as being terrorists. Lebanon and Iraq didn’t support Riyadh to cut rapport with Hezbollah. Some say that Hezbollah is a resistance movement. It is not a terrorist group. Hezbollah’s anti-Zionist theory has not been properly mugged up by Riyadh. Saudi Arab is seen distorting facts to mislead the Arab world and other GCC members. Even Tunisia has nullified the proposal of declaration of Hezbollah as a militancy outfit. So the conflict and controversy loom extensively large to bring the cloud of mistrust among GCC members.
The solution needs to be groomed by GCC states. Saudi Arab and other monarchies of GCC need better table work and strategies to handle the Catch 22 situation. Uniformity is required to remove tussle.
Every GCC member must be harmonious, co-operative and dynamic with eagerness to search for a strategic solution. There should be much clarity in thoughts to implement the futuristic plans to keep GCC blooming in raw sunlight.