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Arab’s Views of the Western World


Many citizens in the Islamic World opine that the Western world does not care at all about underdeveloped nations. Rich countries like the United States are not even willing to impart technological know-how with Arabs. Majority of Muslims also believe the West treat minorities unfairly. The widespread belief is Westerners have pathetic family values and live wickedly.


Arabs or most of them say Western nations have no respect for Arabic as well as Islamic principles. The US, UK, Canada and other European countries do not support the cause of Arabs in global organizations and never demonstrate fairness toward Islamic countries overall. However, citizens of these countries seem to have equal rights and obligations compared to their Muslim counterparts.



A lot of Muslims and Westerners alike are positive that relations between these peoples in different worlds are by and large unhealthy especially nowadays. Americans, British, Canadians, Australians, and Europeans perceive most Muslims as brutal, obsessive and wanting in broadmindedness. On the contrary, Middle Eastern and Asian Muslims look at Westerners as self-centered, corrupt, violent, and greedy.

Nevertheless, there is an uncommon point of conformity between Westerners and Muslims. This is the belief that Muslim nations must be more flourishing successfully than their present situation. Muslim publics maintain a distressed outlook of the West and condemn Western policies for their lack of affluence. On the other hand, Western publics hold responsible government dishonesty, scarcity of education and strict Islamic doctrines as major impediments to Muslim success.


There is a great divide between these two protagonists. Many people in Egypt, Jordan, Indonesia, and Turkey criticize Western nations’ contempt for the Muslim religion. Americans and Western Europeans point at the prejudice of Muslims towards different perspectives.


Favorable Views of Muslims

Despite profound attitudinal rifts between Westerners and Muslims, a very recent survey finds that perceptions of each toward another are far from consistently adverse. Even in the midst of chaotic events during the past year, the US, UK and France used to maintain positive opinions of Muslims generally. However, these constructive opinions have fallen sharply in Spain and the United Kingdom. Recently news is United States wants to Veto the 911 Bill to take Saudi Arabia to court to hold them responsible for 9/11 attacks. This steps has created more tensions between two nations. 


Although Muslim minorities in Europe make out relations between these two cultures as commonly bad, these marginal sectors frequently correlate affirmative traits to Westerners like forbearance, kindness and respect for the female gender. European Muslims are less inclined to witness a conflict of civilizations more than other classes of society in Europe.


Many Arab intellectuals will normally emphasize that it is hypocritical for the West not to assume responsibility for the destiny of Islamic societies. Many feudal governments that Western thinkers censure (Morocco to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) stay in power because of help from major world powers. The West has upheld democratic systems nearly universally with the exception of the Islamic world. It may not wield direct colonial power but its influence remains blatant. Many people in the Arab region and Muslims in general consider this to be the situation.


Budding opinion among Arabs and other Muslims of malicious Western intentions has been clearly bolstered by numerous Western actions since the fifties. The belief of many Arabs is that the West insists in respect for the sacredness of human lives but it pays little attention whenever innocent Muslims are killed in armed confrontation. The conviction is Arab countries have failed despondently to build democracy or prosperity for their 350 million populace despite being very rich in oil resources. Arabs do not lack aptitude or experience dislike of democratic organizations. However, change is needed to alter this thinking.


Situation in Arab Countries

Perhaps one issue is that Syria and Iraq can hardly be described as countries in the true sense of the word. Revolutionaries have suddenly negated their borders and created a new Islamic caliphate covering Iraq and Greater Syria which includes Israel, Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, and certain parts of Turkey. These terrorists have issued a call to annihilate non-Muslims in the Middle East and the US, UK and Europe as well.


Egypt is now subjected once again to military rule while Libya is now at a better path but has a long way to go. Yemen is threatened by rebellion and the al-Qaeda. Palestine is not even close to amity and statehood.

Even rich countries like Saudi Arabia and Algeria are said to be more fragile than they look.

Only Tunisia seems to have the attributes of a truly genuine democratic state. Moreover, Islam is at the central part of many serious problems of Arabs. Islamic principle to join spiritual and secular authority has curbed development of sovereign political institutions.



Absence of a non-interventionist state is beefed up by the non-existence of a liberal economy. Arabs who become educated entrepreneurs or academic experts have to study in the United States or Europe to achieve this target. It is not only a view or views that should be considered but the way of life for the Arab population.