Tesla - A Great Innovator to Manufacture Eco-friendly Electric Cars –Elon Moves for Innovation
Tesla is an American electric vehicle manufacturing company. Eco-friendly ultra sleek electric cars are offered to people. This company in America has business rapport with 30 nations as a dealer or supplier. Electric cars are battery propelled and therefore carbon emission is totally absent. Sophisticated polished aerodynamic electric cars increase the social status of people who like to drive light weight vehicles.
Elon Brings Innovation in Automobile Industry - Learn about His Resolution
Tesla is a great electric car manufacturer in the world. Now-a-days, air pollution makes people unhappier. Diseases, infections, and even death are caused due to the availability of over excess toxins in the environment. To be frank, the innovation in automobile technology must ensure the life security as ergonomic electric/battery charged vehicles provide the innocuous backup to consumers without maximizing the risks. Tesla motors build up the modern car manufacturing and production units in Silicon Valley. This automobile company chooses experienced engineers, car designers, and specialists to build up solid, glossy and fashionable electric vehicles. Tesla also manufactures different types of hi-tech drive trains and in-car accessories to give dynamic shapes to the electric cars. Elon is a scientist with sound knowledge in physics. He was associated with X Space center to design and upgrade the rockets or spacecraft vehicles. The advancement in energy recycling technology has inspired him to create a prototype of electric car which must not swallow lubricant liquid like diesel or petrol. The power train will be propelled by electricity. The throttling vibration will be zero. The electric car wills not backflow or spew carbons/lethal toxins in the air. It is a completely biodegradable product for people in the world. New era has started with the advent of biodegradable energy recycling technology. Elonhasprovedthelongevity of suchsleekbattery poweredvehicles whichrunsurreptitiously without spreadingfume. Energy transformation is possible.
Elon Musk Explores in Sustainable Biodegradable Energy Transfer – His Vision
Elon is a well known educated researcher who has embraced new sustainable energy transformation technology to hand craft smart vehicles without fuel. Innovation is not based on pre-set foundation. It creates new landscape to build up new things which must be an upgraded version of the old model.
So, Elonhasdesigned a completely differentcarprototype whichis lessdestructive andmuch friendly to humans. His automobile business has therefore undergone such a unique transition with a broad scope for exploration in the ultra modern automobile industry. Elon reconstructs the basic concepts of people. Tesla hascreated fewaerodynamic samplesforpeople who didn’t expectto have suchultra light electric cars with upgraded cockpitsto do the hassle freestreetnavigation. Roadsters are maverick and dandy. These innovative battery powered cars rush silently.
These vehicles must prevent global warming. When bio fuel and underground liquid will be exhausted, people have to struggle for having something substitutes to oil or gasoline products. Tesla has brought few result oriented energy efficient sleek models for people to go for nocturnal car driving to refresh mind.
Elon summarizes hisbroadvisionregarding energytransformationin the caseofproducing brilliant electricvehiclesto savemoney. According to this noted researcher and executive, man has to decide whether electric cars will spoon feed themselves with immense benefits. When the electric vehicle maintenance, in-car accessory installation cost andtechnology used tomanufacture theelectric cars are simplified,, customers willsurelyreplace oil fueled vehiclesby handpickingelectric cars.
People must have no obligation to operate such ultra modern cars. Tesla is a beginner to introduce new technology to automobile industry. The rest of mission must be implemented and reshaped by its co-partners. It is a great vision for Tesla. However, the whole world needs to be transformed to the sustainable energy transfer for safeguarding the society from global warming, pollution and destruction.
Solar energyconversionto thereallife isabenefit to peoplewhowill get pureenergy fromsunlight. Photovoltaic cells catch sunlight to transfer solar energy to vehicles. The process is quick and simple. Sunlight is hygienic and it can be reshaped into more sustainable user-friendly photovoltaic components to have smooth energy to drive the smart cars.
Tesla Opened Giga Factory to Produce Powerwalls and Power Packs
Tesla needs support and investment from public sectors. Space X is the landmark for Elon to do the table work for taking bold initiatives to manufacture more aerodynamic vehicles powered by solar energy. However, Elon needed financial resources to expand the business. Afterfailing to makeSpaceXinterdependent , Elonconcentrated onTeslaforinnovation.
He borrowed a $4.5 million worth loan package from Department of Energy. This amount was spent for making new electric cars in America. This company also got $1.29 billion from Nevada to set up a new gigafactory to generate cost effective lithium ion batteries. Gigafactory is located in Storey County, Nevada of America. When this battery manufacturing company will be run, the cost of installation of lithium batteries into smart vehicles of Tesla will be much cheaper.
In this connection, Panasonic will be a solid partner to finance the giga factory. Panasonic will contribute $1.6 billion to restructure the factory in Nevada. Powerwall and power pack battery cells will store more photovoltaic energy for house illumination and car driving and factory running. Powerwall batteries are suitable to homeowners who need more grids to have flawless power supply to heat up the cook-tops. Power packs are more powerful and these batteries are installed into large factories for energy storing.
Business Expansion in Africa
As a part of the global expansion of giga factory in Middle East, Europe and Africa, Elon has designed a large project. It is a profitable business growth in South Africa. Elon has selected South Africa to open new subsidiaries to sell power packs and powerwalls to African consumers. In Cape Town region, Elon will build up new power pack factories to continue production of energy efficient lithium batteries. In Africa, the power cuts are regular and people in the remote areas of Cape Town suffer from irregularity in power supply. That’s why; African people must have easy problem shooting solutions to overtake power cut. Tesla rams up working staff members in Africa to have compact support to manufacture qualitative batteries. Solar energy will improve healthofAfrican children whoare directly or indirectlyaffectedbytoxic gas, petrol, and chemicallubricants. Sustainable energy transformation industry should provide maximum support to African communities.
Musk, pioneer of Space X and a good entrepreneur to lead Tesla, has planned to manufacture over 55,000 aerodynamic battery powered cars with sophisticated drive trains. He is a great contributor in sustainable solar energy transformation to reduce the side effect of pollution and global warming. His mission to convert the world into sustainable biodegradable energy must be realistic. He needs more assistance from government and public sectors. He has opened more electric vehicle production units in France, Italy, Switzerland, Belgium, Sweden, Denmark and the UK. Electric powered showpieces will also be available in China and Japan. Elon has chalked out a roadmap for next generation to formulate the innovative zero carbon emission society.