Chilcot Review to Unearth Truth over the Decision of Deploying British Army to Iraq
Chilcot reviews to probe in the case of the participation of British army to join US force to invade Iraq must be published before the general referendum. This review will flash confidential reports, and direct conversations held between Tony Blair and Obama to explain the role of allied force to deploy army to teach Saddam a lesson. Chilcot will review the importance or any necessity of sending British soldiers to Iraq. Over 100 British soldiers lost their lives during the gulf war. Tony Blair and his ministers have been blamed by British nationals for inaccurate decision to support US for invasion in Iraq. British government squandered money and wasted manpower. This loss can’t be compensated. Chilcot will find whether the decision of sending British troops to gulf regions was justified or not. However, the delay in the publication of the Chilcot review is being ridiculed by experts.
Chilcot Review - A Parameter to Evaluate Role of Britain over Justification of Iraq Invasion
On15th June in the year of2009, ex-prime minister, GordonBrownannounced that there would be afact finding committed headed by Chilcot to scan the situation in whichBritain had to take thefast decision to attack Iraq. What sort of lesson has British administration learnt? Chilcot review willcover2001 to2009to preparethe reports based on the recorded versionsofclandestineconversationswithObamaandexchange of various writtendocuments /press releases andphotocopiesofdigital contentto highlight theprobability of deployment of Britisharmy tojoin thecollaborativeventure toBaghdad. In this review, Chilcot will inquire whether top brass of British administration delayed to admit mistakes in processing the decision of deploying army to Baghdad. Officers and ministers who were involved to encourage Tony Blair for such expensive venture to Gulf must be cross examined. Chilcot will have to meet these officers and luminaries of the administration for conversation. ThenChilcot willdo thecomparisonand datascreening forrevelation of the truthlyingintonsoffiles. He thinks that reviewing process will not be easy as it is a complicated method of collecting recorded versions of listed ministers and officers with their personal views/feedbacks in this connection. Public hearings and cross examination were hosted to cross check the information delivered by candidates shortlisted for prosecution. The fist public hearing was hosted in 2009. Chilcot has had updated 25 analytical notes presented by Blair. He has alsogathered over 130 recordedconversationswhichweremadebetween Americanpresident and TonyBlair.
Reasons behind Delay in Publication of Chilcot Review
The delayto flash thereportsabout200 cabinetconferences and meetings in2001-2009isfrustrating people inBritain . Chilcot has refuted the allegations against him for willful inordinate delay in revealing classified content to update British civilians before election. He opined that earlier Whitehall didn’t permit him to publish reports or documents concerning private meeting/conversations with American president. Whitehall should have pre-directed him what to publish or what not to do. That would have helped him to save time. Chilcot got secret message in which he was instructed not to go for the publication of some confidential messages or recorded conversations without permission. In reality, same information and previously recorded messages have hit the electronic media. Tony Blair, Powel and Alastair Campbell acknowledged the publication of their recorded conversations. So, this hypocrisy needs to be removed to enable Chilcot to finish his task as early as he can. Maxwellisation paperwork process is lengthier and time consuming. At this stage, drafted copies are sent to the persons interviewed by investigators for revision. After confirmation, their conversations are published publicly. This Maxwellisation method is taking more time. Cabinet ministers, high officials and concerned authority must be given printed drafted copies. Chilcot is waiting for the response from these candidates including cabinet ministers to gather reports for fast publication. In aletterwrittenby Clegg, Chilcothas beenrequested togetready forpreparingthe reviewsmuchfaster . Thisdelay willbreak theconfidenceofcommon citizens whoexpect the fast ramificationof confidentialreportsto have the truth . If the report is not handed over to people in February, it will be a blow for British politicians to bear because of the advent of general election in May. British nationals will have negative effect to choose political representatives to build up the new government. Tony Blair and other ministers with government officers must be answerable to people. The Gulf war was not profitable to British government. A number of British soldiers were terminated and inexplicably injured in powerful bomb explosion.
Blair and Straw didn’t do better groundwork before ordering British commandos to attack Iraqi soldiers. If Saddam had the powerful chemical weapons and nuclear bombs, he would have destructed London earlier. This invasion to kill Iraqi rulers actually demolished many rare documents, artifacts and resources of Iraq. Million people in this country had to suffer from disaster with starvation during this counter insurgency done by Western allied force. Blair’s popularity is now drying up because of his own mistakes and follies. Blairites need to think of divorcing Tony Blair to bring back goodwill to the party. Chilcot review can decelerate the popularity and fame of this unlucky British Prime Minister.
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